
> Advertisement employs the most capable artists for a lot of money.
> Advertisement appeals to the masses and forms ideals of ethics and aesthetics for the society.
> Advertisement teaches aesthetics and ethics.
> Advertisement produces and projects the modern version of "Venus of Milos" and "Praksiteles' Hermes" on a daily basis.
> Advertisement is the prevailing form of art.
> Advertisement is guided by - but also guides- the prevailing ideology.
> Advertisement is propaganda.

IF 'Anti-Advertising' exists only in contradiction to the prevailing term advertisement-Propaganda', then its existence is meaningless.
A different type of advertisement-propaganda should not criticize the existing ethics and aesthetics. However, starting from zero, it has every reason to produce ethics and asthetics anew and work systematically and methodically to impose them upon society.
Advertisement - Propaganda aiming at the emergence of views that are randomly or deliberately displaced due to the momentum of human senselessness and weakness, has every reason to exist.

Few examples of displaced views
> War is an act of murder on a massive scale and must be judged as a crime along with the products of its industry.
> Obsession for power and wealth should not be rewarded by society as an ideal of human behaviour. On the contrary, it should be dealt with as a severe type of mental illness to which society must find ways to protect itself.
> The Human Race is not Nature's absolute purpose. Humans are animal species. The percentage of 99% of beings that have set foot on this planet is extinct. The Human race might share the same fate.
> The Human mind is finite. We think we know everything plainly because we think that whatever we are capable of knowing, is everything.
> We are fools and we act as such and make things worse by doing nothing to improve our state.
> Achievements on the Human thought are not and have never been collectively owned by the human beings. This could only happen if these achievements became the central axis of education.
> Intellectual achievements that are not enacted are as though they have never existed. These achievements are either lost forever, or they remain inside the drawers of researchers and away from any social act.
> The Human Race keeps moving on the basis of the teachings by religious mythologies.

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